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Advanced Features

OPAL+ has a number of advanced features extending the capabilities of the open-source OPAL. These features are available to OPAL+ users only.

To apply for Permit OPAL+, fill in the form available here

Support and SLA

OPAL+ provides dedicated support and a custom SLA to help you get the most out of your OPAL+ deployment. Reach out to us on Slack for more information.

Licensing Capabilities

OPAL+ provides additional licensing capabilities to help you manage your OPAL+ deployment. Reach out to us on Slack for more information.

Custom Data Fetcher Providers

OPAL+ provides custom data fetcher providers to help you fetch data from your private data sources.

Logging and Monitoring

OPAL+ provides advanced logging and monitoring capabilities to help you track and debug your OPAL+ deployment.

Connect to logging system

On production, we advise you to connect OPAL+ to your logging system to collect and store the logs. Configure the OPAL_LOG_SERIALIZE environment variable to true to serialize logs in JSON format.

Monitor OPAL Servers and Clients

OPAL+ provides monitoring endpoints to help you track the health of your OPAL+ servers and clients. Configure the OPAL_STATISTICS_ENABLED=true environment variable to enable the statistics APIs.

You can then monitor the state of your OPAL+ cluster by calling the /stats API route on the server.

curl http://opal_server:8181/stats -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
# { "uptime": "2024-07-14T14:55:02.710Z", "version": "0.7.8", "client_count": 1, "server_count": 1 }

You can also get detailed information about the OPAL+ clients and servers by calling the /statistics API route on the server.

curl http://opal_server:8181/statistics -H "Authorization: Bear <token>"
"uptime": "2024-07-14T14:54:09.809Z",
"version": "0.7.8",
"clients": {
"opal-client-1": [
"rpc_id": "7ba198b1329d439faaa79dd7447401dc",
"client_id": "693ac1b4d060416eaad50c2bf04121b1",
"topics": [
"opal-client-2": [
"rpc_id": "d343d92292794630994a8a077bcb413a",
"client_id": "4d71d88ba16f49e1a0ae89f16c5a55d5",
"topics": [
"servers": [

For more information on monitoring OPAL, see the Monitoring OPAL tutorial.