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OPAL is an advanced piece of software with many capabilities and configuration options, hence it has a lot of docs; but if you want just the gist of it - this is the article for you.

How OPAL works

The OPAL server sends instructions to the OPAL-clients (via pub/sub subscriptions over websockets) to load policy and data into their managed policy-agents (e.g. OPA, Cedar-agent, AWS AVP)


OPAL tracks policies from Git or from API bundle servers.

With Git - directories with policy-code (e.g. .rego or .cedar files) are automatically mapped to topics - which a client can subscribe to with OPAL_POLICY_SUBSCRIPTION_DIRS Every time you push a change, the OPAL server will notify the subscribing OPAL-clients to load the new policy.


OPAL tracks data from various sources via webhooks and Fetch-Providers (extensible python modules that teach it to load data from sources).

Initial data is indicated by the server based on OPAL_DATA_CONFIG_SOURCES. Subsequent data updates are triggered via the data update webhook. Every time the policy agent (or it's managing OPAL-client) restarts, the data and policy are loaded from scratch.

Data as part of policy bundle

Data can also be loaded with the policy as part of data.json files, located in the folders next to the policy file.


The folder path is used as the key path in the policy engine cache. In order to avoid race conditions between policy data updates and regular data updates, make sure the key paths used by your policy-data and the ones used by your data-updates are different.