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OPA Runner Parameters

Step 5: Client config - OPA runner parameters (Optional)

If you are running with inline OPA (meaning OPAL client runs OPA for you in the same docker image), you can change the default parameters used to run OPA.

In order to override default configuration, you'll need to set this env var:

Env Var NameFunction
OPAL_INLINE_OPA_CONFIGThe value of this var should be an OpaServerOptions pydantic model encoded into json string. The process is similar to the one we showed on how to encode the value of OPAL_DATA_CONFIG_SOURCES.

Control how OPAL interacts with the policy store

Use the POLICY_STORE_* config options to control how OPAL-client interacts the policy store (e.g. OPA)

  • Use POLICY_STORE_POLICY_PATHS_TO_IGNORE to have the client ignore instruction to overwrite or delete policies. Accepting a list of glob paths, or parent paths (without wildcards) ending with "/**"

Policy store backup

Opal client can be configured to maintain a local backup file, enabling to restore the policy store to its last known state after a restart, even when server is unavailable.

  • Use OPAL_OFFLINE_MODE_ENABLED=true to enable storing and loading from backup file.
  • The backup file is stored to OPAL_STORE_BACKUP_PATH (default value is /opal/backup/opa.json) - make sure its directory is mapped to a meaningful mount point
  • The backup is exported on SIGTERM (on container graceful shutdown), and every OPAL_STORE_BACKUP_INTERVAL seconds (default is 60s).

When the client successfully loads the backup, it would report being ready even if server connection isn't established (thus considered operating at "offline mode")