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What's new in OPAL

Use this page to track the latest updates and releases to OPAL.



OPAL is and will always be an open-source project free for all.

OPAL+ is a way for enterprise users to get more out of OPAL when needed; and is a product of OPAL users approaching us and asking for additional capabilities on top of those provided by OPAL.

If you just need a hosted version of OPAL; or you're building application-level permissions consider simply using's PRO tier.

Read more about OPAL+ here.

OPAL - 0.5.0

This release contains several small fixes and improvements.

New Features - Bundle Ignore

Added support for omitting files in the bundle produced by opal-server. Use the OPAL_BUNDLE_IGNORE environment variable to specify a list of comma separated glob paths which if matched will ignore a file from being included in the policy bundle.

Bug fix - Bitbucket Webhook:

When sending a webhook from Bitbucket to the OPAL server with an secret configured then the the response on the request is an 401, no secret was provided. This is unexpected as the configuration looks correct.

Bug fix - Configuration default casting

Improve usability of topics in data updates

  1. Have the default topic (policy_data) as a default value for DataSourceEntry.topics - To prevent users who have left this empty before from experiencing breaking changes as a result of related bug fixes in 0.4.0. This also fixes #375: Uncaught server exception when posting data update without topics.

  2. Warn a user at realtime when published entry doesn't have topics, or when client processes data update with no matching entries (this would cover what isn't covered by 1).

  3. Fix documentation about topics in data updates.

CI Fixes

  1. Fixes broken pre commits.
  2. Install jq to client and server

Documentation Fixes

  1. Updated FAQ for OPAL
  2. Update
  3. Update issue templates
  4. Bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 in /documentation
  5. Bump eta, @docusaurus/core and @docusaurus/preset-classic in /documentation
  6. Bump @sideway/formula from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in /documentation
  7. Addition of OPAL-plus

OPAL - 0.4.0

This release contains several small fixes and improvements.

Support for custom OPA versions / variants

  • Extract OPA executable from opa docker image by @tibotix in #316
  • Add opa_image Dockerfile build argument by @tibotix in #322

Improved OPAL client healthcheck

OPAL client healthcheck returns the value of the OPA healthcheck policy, based on sync status by @orishavit in #332

Fixed: Hanging redis lock issue

This fix by @roekatz solves the issue of the Redis lock (around the policy git clone) staying hanging forever (preventing new workers from cloning the repo). Probably because the app crashes with segfault before releasing the lock. #345

Fixed: Pulling policy from private repo only succeeds for newly cloned repos

Pass SSH environment to BranchTracker by @orishavit in #366

More webhook formats supported

  • Webhooks: Support BitBucket webhooks by @roekatz in #361
  • Check webhook URL properly by @orishavit in #355
  • Git-webhook-azure by @orweis in #351
  • Git-webhook-expand by @orweis in #342
  • Add support to enforce git branch by @orweis in #357

New configuration options

Policy-updater-retry-config by @orweis in #359

Documentation Fixes

This update included docs interlinking, general improvements to the navbar, OPAL statistics docs and the addition of a tutorial for OPAL Helm Charts.