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Subscribe to Data Topics

Step 4: Client config - data topics (Optional)

You can configure which topics for data updates the client will subscribe to. This is great if you want more granularity in your data model, for example:

  • Enabling multi-tenancy: you deploy each customer (tenant) with his own OPA agent, each agent's OPAL client will subscribe only to the relevant tenant's topic.
  • Sharding large datasets: you split a big data set (i.e: policies based on user attributes and you have many users) to many instances of OPA agent, each agent's OPAL client will subscribe only to the relevant's shard topic.

If you do not specify data topics in your configuration, OPAL client will automatically subscribe to a single topic: policy_data (the default).

Use this env var to control which topics the client will subscribe to:

Env Var NameFunction
OPAL_DATA_TOPICSdata topics delimited by comma (i,e: ,)

Example value:

export OPAL_DATA_TOPICS=topic1,topic2,topic3